Sunday, October 08, 2006

Meilander Rebuffed by FT Readers for His Criticism of Rod Dreher's Crunchy Cons

In the current edition First Things there are four articulate letters replying to Gilbert Meilander's contemptuous review of Rod Dreher's Crunchy Cons entitled "Hold the Granola". All of the letter writers take Meilander to task and no response is provided by Meilander. One names Russell Kirk, Christopher Lasch and Wendell Berry as being along with Dreher among the few voices critiquing Republican conservatism from within a more authentically conservative tradition. I am once again reminded that the likes of Wendell Berry provide an important message which confronts old ways with a need for change, and that rather than being marginalized and neglected it needs to be brought steadily and ponderously forward.

Now my interest is piqued to read Crunchy Cons.

1 comment:

Raskolnikov said...

Thank you for your interesting study.